How safe TUI is from collapse laid bare in latest update to its shareholders

While stranded Brits abroad are talking to officials to get home, and tens of thousands of workers at failed travel giant Thomas Cook still trying to work out what to do next, rival TUI has explained it’s current position.

After reassuring TUI customers who booked Thomas Cook flights that they would get home, TUI Group chief executive Friedrich Joussen took a look at the prospects for his own firm.

Speaking ahead of the company’s annual results, said his business still “proves to be resilient, even in this challenging market environment”.

But he admitted it wasn’t a walk in the park. “These external challenges will continue in FY20 [next year].”

Others were more candid in their assessment of the firm.

Russ Mould, investment director at AJ Bell, said: “Life has been hard for TUI in recent years with the company suffering from certain aircraft being grounded, overcapacity in the airline sector and the impact of Brexit uncertainty on consumer spending.”

Richard Hunter, head of markets at Interactive Investor, added: “The update delivers proof, if it were needed, that these are tough times in the travel industry.”

He added that a “a raft” of challenges remain for TUI, “not least of which is the continued grounding of its Boeing 737 fleet”.

“This aside, the company has stated that the inevitable Brexit uncertainty continues to drag on prospects, while general airline overcapacity remains a factor, even if it will have eased somewhat following the Thomas Cook announcement.”

But, amid all the chaos resulting from Thomas Cook’s collapse, there was a silver lining for TUI.

“The demise of Thomas Cook may well present TUI with unexpected opportunities,” Hunter said.

Mould described Thomas Cook’s liquidation in starker terms.

“Thomas Cook going bust is therefore Christmas come early as far as TUI is concerned as it removes a major player from the sector,” he said.

“It has a chance to mop up business that would have normally gone to Thomas Cook and to potentially convince some of its rival’s customers to go for some of its more differentiated offerings rather than a bog-standard package holiday.”

Ian Forrest, investment research analyst at The Share Centre, summed it up for many – saying while a risk, the signs were positive overall.

The market saw the update as positive with shares rising slightly in early trading,” he said.

“All the evidence points to TUI being the biggest beneficiary of that but it is always difficult to accurately predict how big the benefit may be and when it will show through in results, so investors should not jump to any major conclusions just yet.

“In the meantime the company clearly has plenty of other challenges to deal with. We continue to recommend the shares as a ‘Hold’ for those willing to accept a medium to high level of risk.”

And TUI’s assessment of its future?

“TUI is well-positioned to become an integrated digital tourism platform business,” Joussen said.

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